
The uselessness of abbreviatons

Mors certa hora incerta

In days of yore, the everlasting hourglass
Clandestinely, it kept its intangible grace
And with the flimsy sand to date the hours pass
And with it doth perforce apace as well pass faith.

Say hence, where doth thine o so baneful way thee lead
And whither shalt despite incertitude thou go?
Thy haste shall not continuously ensure thy greed,
Or keep thee from the one to who thou once shalt bow.

And therefore, as the boisterous crusader hastes
Time anchorlessly passes by and merely fades.
Relentless minutes, merciless and harmful days,
All once will surely vanish in your death's shades.

Yet be not fearful, rather heed, beware decay!
No doubts, once thou shalt perish, therefore - seize the day!