Insomniacs welcome. However this may end, the scene is not what the scene pretends to be. Pick up the pieces, put them back together and forget about what happened. This may happen like a dozen times in a row, but after all, you're just a confused mess, a bunch of remains of a former person with a real story. The sunlight won't release you and what's all the glamour worth without an honest meaning? Those sunbeams will choke you softly until you asphyxiate - unless you finally start breathing because you can. Whatever makes you feel like you have to give a special meaning to it all, the most important part is:
"Destroy what destroys you."
If Midas, as the reincarnation of pressure, does - destroy him by simply being yourself. You've done this before, why wouldn't it work again?Furthermore. As long as you are somebody's (or even something's, which actually is somebody's) slave, you will never be blissful.
Affranchise yourself, get out of that golden cage. Get out of what someone, or something, or you - have built so you wouldn't consider fleeing. You went in there, you can go out. Good night.