
The uselessness of abbreviatons

Mors certa hora incerta

In days of yore, the everlasting hourglass
Clandestinely, it kept its intangible grace
And with the flimsy sand to date the hours pass
And with it doth perforce apace as well pass faith.

Say hence, where doth thine o so baneful way thee lead
And whither shalt despite incertitude thou go?
Thy haste shall not continuously ensure thy greed,
Or keep thee from the one to who thou once shalt bow.

And therefore, as the boisterous crusader hastes
Time anchorlessly passes by and merely fades.
Relentless minutes, merciless and harmful days,
All once will surely vanish in your death's shades.

Yet be not fearful, rather heed, beware decay!
No doubts, once thou shalt perish, therefore - seize the day!


Suck the marrow out of life

To walk the path of sorrow

Let those tears shatter your eyes and heart
Give them the power to rip apart
The existence of who
Was supposed to be you
And leave all you loved from the start.

Do not rely on what people say
Do never listen, nor beg, nor pray
They are not going to
Let the best part of you
Ever be on their minds, in their way.

Hold on, and do not proceed, my dear
Now is the day to look back and fear
Everything that they know
All the things they don't show
And to fight back at last one more tear.


Has no one told you she's not breathing?

There was a time
When you stole what was mine
And I came to gain it back later,
A day full of bliss
And the hapless young miss
Was crestfallen by a malign baiter.
And you partied all night
While he held me tight
And his suave, mellow kiss made me tremble,
And the lanterns grew dim,
And there rested a slim
Chance of getting him back in your gamble.

As the hags were all gone
You still moved along
Like the bashful remains of a spinster,
He stroke my auburn hair
And I gasped for air
And our longings grew stronger and sin'ster.
Your paltry excuse
About my mean abuse
Of your sacred droit to possess him,
Caused a slight smirk,
And this one made you jerk,
For you envisioned me to obsess him.
Which caused the mess
In your head made me crow about you,
And so here I stand,
With your heart in my hand,
Waiting for the omen to undo.



So you don't have to suffer me like I suffer myself.

The scars are slowly fading.

Maybe that is just what we have become. You do not seem to know me any more, and I will not assume you have not changed so I would still recognise you. So much for the most beautiful friendship anyone could imagine, so much for the soulmates that barely knew themselves but knew one another inside out. I have been missing you, more than words could tell and even more than what my tears and scars have stated. I have been loving you, from the first time we met, from the first time I ever talked to you. I have been yearning for your love which I once had but which you took away from me to give it to another random person out there. I may not have been deserving of it, and probably that's just what I will never be. Nonetheless, I will not be able to forget about the time we shared and the perfect moments that filled my heart with rapture and my soul with bliss. I may not be able to forget the keen look in your eyes that gave me butterflies whenever it happened to fondly contemplain me. Your memory will last forever, my memories keep me from starving, your tears keep me from feeling numb. I love you to death, that is why I let you go. Take care, my friend, you will be remembered endearingly.