
Kurt är en vacker påfågel

och jag är en slug uggla!

This is the incredibly intelligent bird whose residence happens to be situated in my chamber, underneath a pair of moose antlers. Right.

He is -apparently- a peacock, although I have not heard him crow and I must say he doesn't quite resemble any vegetable I know. Anyway, his name is Kurt and he loves education. 
He loves languages, especially Swedish and French and I have been told that he is fluent in Latin - although he never talks in my  presence.
He gets along well with his fellow trophies Tristan, Isolde and Gunnar the jay although he is known to be lordly and well-aware of his intellect and of the stupidity of others...

He is my watchbird, my stalwart advisor. 
I am very grateful for having him with me.
This goes out to my 
illustrious peafowl - 
Thy subsistence doth fill my soul with felicity. 
Thanks for thy feigned loyalty!