
The lights go on, the lights go off

When I feel alive, I try to imagine a careless life; a 
scenic world where the sunsets are all breathtaking.
For once, let us have a different look at the bodacious world we live in. How many things are there for us to stumble upon, to hurt us, to even break us, which finally turn out to be stunning? How often may a simple melody fill our hearts with rapture and make us forget about all the trepidation we have been through? I encourage you to keep searching for those gorgeous, agitating moments because those make you feel the enormous discrepancy between depression and obsession, which I myself regard as a marvellous opportunity. That is my reason for sharing this video now, which I usually wouldn't do; I am confident it may add another special moment to your life. Be safe out there everybody, you will hear from me soon.


You know you can't give me what I need

and even though you mean so much to me 
I can't wait through everything

Wipe off your dreams if they are worth it; hold your head for hiding is not an option. Neither you nor anyone else may ever rely on what we had. Your heart is a turncoat, your soul is a traitor. Your own callousness will solidify you. You may no longer react in an affactionate way but you will make other people stampede whenever you are in sight instead. Would you please stop being so self-pitying? Would you please stop being so very fleshly? Would you even please stop making people feel self-conscious and meritless? 
Your head is an outstanding liar and so is your coaxing face. Why can't you just look at people the way they are and not the way you suppose they have to be like? You are a hypocrite, holier-than-thou, self-righteous. Would you like to be denounced like that? Would you like to be made fun of in public?

If there is nothing good you can say when meeting another person, just remain silent.
Yes indeed, it is that simple. Keep that one rule, deter yourself from mocking, from aspering people. You wouldn't want it either, nobody feels comfortable when they know they are considered obnoxious.
It may sound bromidic and I am not an inerrant prognosticator, but this has proven to be veridical. You do not need to suffer, ergo, you do not need to make suffer.