
Empty hearts fill empty places

We stare at broken clocks, the hands don't turn any more.
This is what makes the world look so sad an lonely. The time that passed is one of the few things in life we may never get back, no matter what we have or what we do. Therefore, time is an incredibly precious thing. Probably, the most precious thing ever. Sharing time with people is a sacrifice as long as we consider the time we spent with human beings lost. If we regarded it as a gift, something insubstantial but something so very meaningful at the same time, we would not feel like we are wasting our time whenever we interact with other persons. 
Time is not an easy matter.


Oh beauty, you're so shameless.

And my fingerprints remained
On the rose's gauzy skin;
With my lips I fondly stained
All the rotten love within.

 Beauty is an outright lie. Heartless hearts will neither die, nor will they ever vanish. Can you tell how a sere rose is requickened by a slingle tear drop? Can you tell how a single snowflake can make a firm branch collapse? Can you tell how much you may astound your fellow human beings by simply caring about them? Don't tell me about it.
Go for it!


And I won't let you choke on the noose around your neck.

"So you don't love me and I should have known
My heart can't seem to let you go
You're not special You're not even close
You mean the least but you take the most."
It's rather sad how we've come to destroy ourselves and simply keep on living until we finally die. Life is no longer satisfying, sadness, loneliness and fear overcome our day-to-day fight for existence; the relentlessness of the darkness that haunts us keeps dragging and pushing until we burst as we are supposed to. Sometimes, metaphorical nooses are the only way out of the mess. Out of misery. Out of adversity. Out of whatever name anyone may have invented for what makes us sick.
Anyway, I think, suicide really is not an option as long as we are able to change something about what oppresses us. You might achieve something much more meaningful than you might think. You might save a human life. Your own life.


You can't spell slaughter without laughter

I'm so iconoclastic,
I'm plastic.

Save the day and execrate the night or else you shall be castigated. My grandeur will oppose you. This sinister cemetery slumber party shall make you regret your former oath. Never again may I suffer from what you told me. My sacrifice will haunt you.
Splash and break and splash again, knock yourself out, I couldn't care less. My heart's like fire turning to dust. That's why I lost and I can't trust myself no more than you.
Feathers and rainbows, keep searching for silver and gold or just turn cold. I do not need you anyway.
You're leaving? How dare you! You know I'm just not capable of bearing this sick life's plight all alone. I suppose I've just been way too meek. You're causing all that hurts me. Beware! I might hurt back.